Sunday, August 30, 2009

BM Week

There have been 2 important events these last couple of days:

1) Oasis splitting up

2) Black Metal


1) Noel Gallagher announced he left Oasis after a brawl with Liam... that’s not surprising at all, because they never got along.. But it’s still shocking and I would hate to see the end of one of my favourite bands ever.

The only thing that keeps me happy is that at least saw them once.. and it was one of the best concerts I’ve even been to.

I just hope they can mend things and if they don’t... Noel as a solo artist will be great.. I don’t know if Oasis would have the same fate, as Noel is the one with the anthems...

2) I have to admit that I first knew about it was in 2002.. but at the time I couldn’t listen to it without feeling disturbed and distressed. I couldn’t stand the screaming.. I was already screaming inside and I definitely didn’t nee anyone telling me what it was like.

However, last week I read about it. A lot. I checked Burzum’s site and when I read the biography, I realised it was written by Vikernes himself. “That’s interesting” I thought.. and I read, the whole thing..

This week was definitely “Norwegian Black Metal Week”.

And I liked it... My favourite so far is Aske.. but I still have to listen to Filosofem and the ones he did while in Jail (to compare, as everyone I’ve talked to about it has said those are not like his first works).

One of the most attractive things of Black Metal for me is Satanism... I don’t believe in God nor in Satan, so it’s even funny to see people so angry at an idea and to embrace another one that is as extreme as the other... But that would be another post maybe.

So, in my personal Metal Journey, I have arrived to this... I’m not saying that I don’t listen to anything else.. I couldn’t.. I realised that today yet again... In other words, as a friend of mine called me... I’M A HYBRID.

Always have been

Always will be

And fucking proud of it!

Song for today (I won't say anything about ti because I haven't got the time to interpret it..) is by Burzum..

The Head is a Head of a Serpent
From its Nostrils Mucus Trickles...
The Ears Are those of a Basilisk
His Horns Are Twisted into three Curls

Ea, lord of the depths........

The Body is a Sun Fish, Full of Stars
The Base of His Feet Are Claws
His Name Is Sassu Wunnu
A Sea Monster. A Form of Ea

Ea, lord of the depths......

Best Wishes


DotF said...


bueno... Que bien que retomes la actividad en el blog, puede resultar ser una vía de escape para los estresantes días que vives. De todas maneras ojalá te vaya bien con tus aspiraciones del magister, si te va bien en todo eso, los meses de estres y falta de sueño habrán valido la pena, es un precio a pagar.

Por suerte aquí en santiago no me tocó trabajar y este día de descanso ha sido amenizado por un día de larga flojera bajo la lluvia que me relaja ver como cae despacio por la ventana.

Espero que estés muy bien ahora! y que no te haya molestado tomarme la libertad de publicar un saludo aquí... cuidate mucho e intenta retomar el sueño y si eso sigue mal ve al doctor. Un abrazo y beos gigantes para ti ;D

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